1.  Make sure you are using the Google Chrome browser.

2.  Head to your company's specific Sales Sling URL. Often it includes part of the company name.

This will be formatted https://app.salessling.com/yourcompanyname  NOT www.salessling.com

Note:  You may be prompted to allow Chrome to use your microphone and send notifications.  Select "Allow" for both.  

3.  Login with your assigned credentials.  Your admin will be able to provide these.  If this is your first time ever logging in, you may be asked to reset your password.  


It is possible your URL is in a different format - [yourcompanyname].salessling.com 

Your SalesSling Admin should provide you your own username and password to access your SalesSling instance.

Reminder: SalesSling support will be unable to assist you with resetting your password. Please contact your internal Manager or SalesSling Admin